The Greek Nose

I ask Huang Yun Yu and Tseng Yu to dinner to meet some friends who I hope will be interested in buying pictures at Mr Huang¹s next exhibition. When Tseng Yu comes to confirm the date, he says with great self-satisfaction, "I have told him to have his supper first because you always give such bad food".

However, as it turns out, everyone including TY and HYY seem happy enough with the meal (colonial English style as interpreted by my lovely amah, Ah Yau) and afterwards Yun Yu entertains us by doing cartoon drawings of us all (see later postings). My picture causes great hilarity. Yun Yu says I have a Greek nose, so he¹s made me look like a Greek Needless to say, I was NOT wearing either ear-rings or a pearl necklace ­ he says he has added these for effect! Cherry (a university colleague) says it is quite clear from the picture that I have just been marking exam papers and giving the students a bad time! We end up with much laughter and mutual compliments. Yun Yu says it has been a great evening in which the most intelligent man in Hong Kong (himself) has enjoyed the company of the most interesting woman (myself).